Family Constellations: Individuals and Group Workshops

A Powerful, Caring Way to Heal Unresolved or Challenging Issues in Your own Life and Family

This work is a neo-shamanic ancestral healing method employing deep listening to the energetic field to clear blocks and patterns that are unconsciously passed down to us. Similar to psychodrama, but not controlled with our conscious minds or egos. We observe what organically emerges from the field. This soulful work was developed by Bert Hellinger in Germany. Family Constellation Work helps you connect and correct the past and present, so that you can move forward with inner peace. You connect in a deeply heartfelt way with yourself and others. This work can be transformational.

If you are the “main client”, you can fully experience a shift in your own personal heart and history-a shift in which the lineage of love from your forefathers becomes unclogged so that you can receive the strength of your most positive birthright: unconditional love. If you are a supporting participant in the process, your own psycho-spiritual growth is enhanced by stretching the body’s biochemical/electrical/emotional-spiritual pathways (reawakening the body’s meridian system) and making it possible to quite literally walk in the shoes of another. You discover deeper empathy for yourself and others, find forgiveness and understanding that creates inner peace, strength, and skills to resolve difficulties. During the process, we see quite clearly that the universe is non-dual, that love is the principle of all creation, and this helps create peace.

Randy Goldberg LMT is a graduate of the DC Hellinger Institute, and of advanced studies in Family Constellation with Heinz Stark of Germany. He is a former Yoga monk, Craniosacral therapist, and a world renowned-astrologer interviewed by the Washington Post, NPR, and CNN. He facilitates Family Constellation therapy for individuals and groups. One hour individual sessions $120
More info. at 202-380-6850 or

Here is an articles about his Family Constellation work

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