Upcoming Events

Family Constellation Workshop with Randy Goldberg
Saturday January 25th 1-5pm $65 Arlington VA

Past Events

Family Constellation Workshop with Randy Goldberg Dec. 1st Sunday 1-5pm $65 Arlington VA

Family Constellation Workshop with Randy Goldberg Jan. 27th Saturday 1-5pm $65 Arlington VA

Family Constellation workshop on Sunday January 7th from 1-5pm.
At Willow Street Yoga in Takoma Park, MD

I’ll be doing readings at Takoma Park Gift Market
Friday, December 8th, 2023 5:00pm- 9:00pm 201 Ethan Allen Avenue

Family Constellation Workshop with Randy Goldberg Dec. 10th Sunday 12-4pm $65 Arlington VA

Family Constellation Workshop with Randy Goldberg Nov. 18th Saturday 1-5pm $65 Takoma Park, MD

I will be presenting a workshop on Psychedelic Therapy and sharing my experiences as a plant medicine sitter and guide at the IPA Summer Convention in Lewes, Delaware

Family Constellation Workshop With Randy Goldberg
June 18th @ 1-5pm $65 The TEAL Center 4001 9th Street North, Suite 230 Arlington, VA 22203

I will be presenting Family Constellations workshops at The Friends Conference on Religion and Psychology at Pendle Hill, near Philadelphia, PA
May 26 to May 29, 2023
Register at https://www.fcrp-quaker.org/fcrp-registration-2022

Family Constellation Workshop With Randy Goldberg
June 3rd Saturday 1-5pm $65
New Orleans Healing Center 2372 St. Claude Avenue Suite 260 New Orleans, La 70117
https://www.neworleanshealingcenter.org/calendar/family-constellation-workshop-with-randy-goldberg/ No neeed to pre-register, pay at the door.

Family Constellation Workshop With Randy Goldberg
June 4th Sunday 1-4pm $50
The Mind Body Collective 627 Opelousas Avenue New Orleans, LA 7011
Register at https://www.mindbodycollectivenola.com/event/family-constellations-workshop/

Family Constellation workshop at the Willow Street Yoga Studio in Takoma Park, MD,
May 20th Saturday from 1-5pm. Cost $65 Register on link below

Family Constellation Workshop With Randy Goldberg
April 16th @ 1-5pm $65 4001 9th Street North, Suite 230 Arlington, VA 22203

Family Constellation workshop at the Willow Street Yoga Studio in Takoma Park, MD,
April 8th Saturday from 1-5pm. Cost $65 Register on link below

Family Constellation Workshop With Randy Goldberg
The TEAL Center Arlington VA
March 19th Sunday @ 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Boston Family Constellation Workshop With Randy Goldberg
March 4-5th $150

Family Constellation Workshop at the TEAL Center in Arlington VA
February 5th Sunday @ 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm $65.00
Register at https://www.tealcenter.com/event/family-constellation-workshop-with-randy-goldberg-4/

Family Constellation Workshop at the TEAL Center in Arlington VA
December 3rd Saturday @ 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm $55.00
Register at https://www.tealcenter.com/event/family-constellation-workshop-with-randy-goldberg-3

Family Constellation Workshop With Randy Goldberg in Boston Massachusetts
Sunday December 11th 10am-5pm
Cost $150 Happening in an art gallery of Somerville, MA.

Monday August 22nd at 7:30pm on Zoom Cost: $25
Register at https://mailchi.mp/12d7df689e42/mon-aug-22-2022-randy-goldberg?e=f73e1d37c2
This event is organized by the Rays of Healing group

May 22nd 2022 @ 1:00 – 5:00pm $55.00 at the TEAL Center 4001 9th Street North, Suite 230
Arlington, VA 22203
A powerful, caring way to heal unresolved or challenging issues in your own life and family.

Are you wanting to get unstuck from unconscious blocks that are sabotaging your life? Are you ready to see your future clearly and follow your heart’s desire? Family Constellation is soulful work that was developed by Bert Hellinger in Germany. Use it to become empowered to get the health, wealth, and love you desire and for issues proving difficult to treat with traditional therapy.

Learn highly effective techniques to liberate yourself from patterns and reawaken your vitality, confidence, and joy! Move forward in life with renewed purpose. A constellation provides a “living map” of key impactful issues and leads you towards the restoration of balance, order, harmony, and healing.

Each of us, whether participant or observer, taps into information that exists and benefits from the knowledge. The real power is knowing where we came from, where we belong and where we want to go. You will also learn how to identify the unconscious loyalties, unresolved traumas, and hidden dynamics that contribute to patterns of illness, complaint, and disappointment. This energy field therapy provides assistance to make peace with the past, freeing us to reside in the present and generate a new fulfilling future.

Randy Goldberg LMT is a graduate of the DC Hellinger Institute, and of advanced studies in Family Constellation with Heinz Stark of Germany. He is a former Yoga monk, Craniosacral therapist, and a world renowned-astrologer (both Western and Vedic) interviewed by the Washington Post, NPR, and CNN. He facilitates Family Constellation therapy for individuals and groups. More information at www.randygoldberg.org; 202-380-6850 or randy@randygoldberg.org.

To REGISTER visit: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws?studioid=818194&stype=-8&sTG=32&sVT=2178&sView=day&sLoc=1&sTrn=100000043

Family Constellations
presented by Randy Goldberg

March 22, 2021, 7:30 – 9:00pm EST
via Zoom, This event is sponsored by Rays of Healing Church
Meeting ID: 856 3651 6431
Passcode: 250847

Are you wanting to get unstuck from unconscious blocks that are sabotaging your life? Are you ready to see your future clearly and follow your hearts desire? Family Constellation is soulful work that was developed by Bert Hellinger in Germany. Use it to become empowered to get the health, wealth, love, and for issues proving difficult to treat with traditional therapy.

Learn highly effective techniques to liberate yourself from patterns and reawaken your vitality, confidence, and joy! Move forward in life with renewed purpose.

A constellation provides a “living map” of key impactful issues and leads you towards the restoration of balance, order, harmony and healing.

Each of us, whether participant or observer, taps into information that exists and benefits from the knowledge. The real power is knowing where we came from, where we belong and where we want to go.
You will also learn how to identify the unconscious loyalties, unresolved traumas, and hidden dynamics that contribute to patterns of illness, complaint, and disappointment. Family Constellation provides assistance to make peace with the past, freeing us to reside in the present, and to generate a new peaceful future.

About the facilitator
Randy Goldberg LMT is a graduate of the DC Hellinger Institute, and of advanced studies in Family Constellation with Heinz Stark of Germany. He is a former Yoga monk, Craniosacral therapist, and a world renowned-astrologer (both Western and Vedic) interviewed by the Washington Post, NPR, and CNN. He facilitates Family Constellation therapy for individuals and groups. More info. at www.randygoldberg.org 202-380-6850 or randy@randygoldberg.org.

Online Family Constellation Workshop – with Randy Goldberg
Tuesday, 12/22/20 7:30 PM $30
This work is a neo-shamanic ancestral healing method employing deep listening to the energetic field to clear blocks and patterns that are unconsciously passed down to us. We observe what organically emerges from the ‘knowing field’. This soulful work was developed by Bert Hellinger in Germany. It helps to uncover deep hidden obstacles that are stopping the flow of love and life force in your system. It is a way of 3-D mapping your internal issues. Become empowered to get the health, wealth, love, and happiness you want in your life.

Register to get the zoom link at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/family-constellation-workshop-with-randy-goldberg-tickets-133297280755?fbclid=IwAR0nxFZHFFBM7UF5zMVdkG1E9g93RhY3FH2hq9QeLnfDIsYbtHoS0urSR1M

About the facilitator

Saturday February 15 @ 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm $55.00 at the TEAL Center in collaboration with Virginia Hospital Center
4001 North Ninth Street, Suite 230 Arlington VA 22203

Saturday January 25th 1pm to 6pm Cost $50
9 Woonsockett Ct. Silver Spring MD 20905

12/14 Saturday 1pm to 6pm Cost $50 6701 Applemint Ln · Alexandria, VA
This work is a neo-shamanic ancestral healing method employing deep listening to the energetic field to clear blocks and patterns that are unconsciously passed down to us. We observe what organically emerges from the ‘knowing field’. This soulful work was developed by Bert Hellinger in Germany. It helps to uncover deep hidden obstacles that are stopping the flow of love and life force in your system. It is a way of 3-D mapping your internal issues. Become empowered to get the health, wealth, love, and happiness you want in your life.

Randy Goldberg LMT is a graduate of the DC Hellinger Institute, and of advanced studies in Family Constellation with Heinz Stark of Germany. He is a former Yoga monk, Craniosacral therapist, and a world renowned-astrologer (both Western and Vedic) interviewed by the Washington Post, NPR, and CNN. He facilitates Family Constellation therapy for individuals and groups. More info. at www.randygoldberg.org 202-380-6850 or randy@randygoldberg.org


Introduction to Family Constellations Evening Nov. 25th 7:30pm $25
Burk Intuitive Healing center 8996 Burke Lake Rd, Suite L106 · Burke, VA

Introduction to Family Constellations with Randy Goldberg

Monday, Nov 25, 2019, 7:15 PM

Intuitive Wellness Center
8996 Burke Lake Rd, Suite L106 Burke, VA

6 Healers Attending

This work is a neo-shamanic ancestral healing method employing deep listening to the energetic field to clear blocks and patterns that are unconsciously passed down to us. We observe what organically emerges from the ‘knowing field’. This soulful work was developed by Bert Hellinger in Germany. It helps to uncover deep hidden obstacles that are sto…

Check out this Meetup →

You can also get a reading from Randy during the Maryland Renaissance Festival at the Ancient Mysteries Divination Booth on weekends Aug 24th thru Oct 20th www.ancient-mysteries.org/

Randy will have a table at the Virgina Psychic Fair Aug.11th 2019
see: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/virginia-psychic-fair-tickets-56708506670

Randy will present Family Constellation workshops at the Friends Conference on Psychology and Religion, on May 24-27th at Pendle Hill Conference center. FCRP is one of the oldest conferences in the U.S. dedicated to individual spiritual exploration with a focus on in-depth psychology, specifically Jungian psychology. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Donald Kalsched  the author of The Inner World of Trauma,  plus Trauma and the Soul. I am honored to be offering Family Constellation workshops there.

For more info: http://fcrp.quaker.org/fcrp-general-information/fcrp-2018-interest-groups/

4/27- Saturday 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm  $75 at the TEAL Center

Randolph Towers 4001 North Ninth Street, Suite 230
Arlington VA 22203

Register at https://oasis.tealcenter.com/clients/classes_events.php

This work is a neo-shamanic ancestral healing method employing deep listening to the energetic field to clear blocks and patterns that are unconsciously passed down to us. We observe what organically emerges from the ‘knowing field’. This soulful work was developed by Bert Hellinger in Germany. It helps to uncover deep hidden obstacles that are stopping the flow of love and life force in your system. It is a way of 3-D mapping your internal issues. Become empowered to get the health, wealth, love, and happiness you want in your life.

Randy Goldberg LMT is a graduate of the DC Hellinger Institute, and of advanced studies in Family Constellation with Heinz Stark of Germany. He is a former Yoga monk, Craniosacral therapist, and a world renowned-astrologer (both Western and Vedic) interviewed by the Washington Post, NPR, and CNN. He facilitates Family Constellation therapy for individuals and groups. More info. at www.randygoldberg.org 202-380-6850 or randy@randygoldberg.org.

March 24th Sunday 1pm-6pm $75
4 Sturgis Court, Pikesville, MD 21208 (near Baltimore)

Family Constellation workshop Sat. Feb. 16th 10am-5pm $99
at the Teal Center 4001 North Ninth Street, Suite 230 Arlington VA 22203
More info at https://oasis.tealcenter.com/clients/classes_events.php

Family Constellation workshop 1pm-6pm Dec. 8th Saturday $50
3549 Devon dr Falls Church, VA 22042

Intro to Family Constellations Monday, October 22th 7:30 PM Center for Spiritual Enlightenment
222 N Washington St. Falls Church, VA 22046

I will be presenting at the Friends Conference on Religion and Psychology on Memorial Day Weekend – May 25 – May 28, 2018. FCRP 2018 will be held at Pendle Hill, a Quaker Retreat Center near Swarthmore College. Keynote speaker will be BESSEL VAN DER KOLK, M.D.

FAMILY CONSTELLATIONS Workshop April 28th, 2018 Saturday 1-5:30pm
at 3549 Devon Dr, Falls Church, VA 22042. Cost $60
This work is a neo-shamanic ancestral healing method employing deep listening to the energetic field to clear blocks and patterns that are unconsciously passed down to us. Similar to psychodrama, but not controlled with our conscious minds or egos. We observe what organically emerges from the field. This soulful work was developed by Bert Hellinger in Germany.

Randy Goldberg, LMT, a graduate of the DC Hellinger Institute, and of advanced studies in Family Constellation with Heinz Stark of Germany, is a former Yoga monk, Craniosacral therapist, and astrologer (both Vedic and Western). He facilitates Family Constellation therapy for individuals and groups. More info. at www.randygoldberg.org 202-380-6850 or randy@randygoldberg.org.

FAMILY CONSTELLATIONS Workshop March 4th, 2018 Sunday 1:30pm -4:30pm at MARK’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, 1900 St. Paul Street. This is a presentation to the Baltimore Jung Working Group.

Family Constellation Workshop led by Randy Goldberg on Saturday November 18th 2017  1pm – 5:30pm.

$85 at the Institute for Spiritual Development, 5419 Sherier Pl NW, Washington, District of Columbia 20016

I will be presenting Family Constellation workshops at the Friends Conference on Religion and Psychology at Lebanon Valley College in Annville, PA from May 26th-29th http://fcrp.quaker.org/

I will be give a lecture on Comparing Eastern and Western Astrology to the Richmond chapter of National Council for Geocosmic Research on April 29, 2017 1:00-5:00pm

Family Constellation Workshop led by Randy Goldberg March 4th 2017 Saturday 1-6 pm $85 at the Institute for Spiritual Development
5419 Sherier Pl NW, Washington, District of Columbia 20016

More info at http://isd-dc.org/events/family-constellation-evening/

Family Constellation Workshop led by Randy Goldberg $100 1-6 pm Sunday, Nov. 20th. 2016 in private home in Ambler, PA (suburb of Philadelphia

More info at https://www.facebook.com/events/323061531371463/
Randy presented Family Constellation Workshops at the International Primal Association conference Aug. 24-31st 2016

For more info: http://fcrp.quaker.org/wfcrp-interest-groups-2016.html

Past Life Regression workshop with Randy Goldberg

Sunday, October 27th,  2015 1:15 PM to 
Institute for Spiritual Development
5419 Sherier Pl NW  Washington, DC  $22.00

Within each of us there appears to reside the events of past lives. A migraine, chronic lower back pain, or knee problem may be telling a story from an old accident or wound. A chronic sore throat may derive from strangling, hanging, or choking.As the soul returns to life over and over, these traumatic memories arere-created in our current life. They often make little sense to us, and keep us from living peaceful lives. They are brought to our conscious awareness by anxiety, panic attacks, anger, depression, phobias, obsessions, nightmares, and unexplainable physical pain.Past life regression therapy allows us to see beyond the confusion and illusions of this life, and brings about a healing of the past life that resonates into our present life. Through this group past life regression, we will awaken from the constrictions of our past conditioning to release blocks stopping us now.
More info at http://www.deepmemoryprocess.com/page17.html
Randy Goldberg trained in Deep Memory Process with Jungian expert and author Rodger Woolger. Randy is a former Yoga monk, a Craniosacral therapist, and a renowned astrologer interviewed by the Washington Post, CNN, and NPR. He facilitates Family Constellation therapy for individuals and groups.randy@randygoldberg.org or 202-380-6850http://isd-dc.org/events/deep-memory-process/
Breathwork workshop by Randy Goldberg at the Institute for Spiritual Development
5419 Sherier Pl NW Washington, DC zip 20016
March 7th 2015 Thursday 7:30pm $20

  • Often called Rebirthing or Holotropic Breathwork, it refers to many forms of conscious alteration of breathing, connecting the inhale and exhale, when used with deep relaxation. Breathwork is a breathing technique that can heal suppressed emotions such as anger, fear, sadness, etc. This mind expanding technique helps people shift into an alternate states of consciousness. It starts with lying down, relaxing and breathing. Deep inhalations and relaxed exhalations help create the “Alpha” brain waves. Long and careful attention to the relaxed breath will reveal a many layered pattern of inhibitions and exposes our unconscious patterns of defense against joy and aliveness. Please bring a blanket or yoga mat.

Spiritual Astrology Lecture with Randy Goldberg

Astrology represents the summation of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity.” C.G. Jung

    • According to Jung, our Soul speaks to us in the language of images through archetypal symbols. Astrological planets are archetypal symbols, and our birth charts are a unique “map of our Soul” that can illuminate the relationship between our conscious and unconscious mind.
      Our birth chart is our personal mandala, mapping how the archetypal rivers flow in your psyche. Thru it we can become more aware of what mythic stories we are trying to live out. Come explore the deeper structure embedded in the patterns of how  the astrological signs and houses are laid out and what they tell us about the human condition.
      Vedic astrology is called the science of light. Come celebrate the holiday season with this talk about the celestial lights.

Wednesday, December 11, 2015    7:00 PM to 
8136 Old Keene Mill Rd, Suite 209-A VA 22152, Springfield, VA


  • INTRODUCTION TO MEDITATION: with Randy Goldberg. Learn how to establish yourself in a daily meditation practice. We will learn several types of meditation, including breath, grounding, visualization, and use of a mantra.Meditation is the art of expanding your awareness and realizing your inner wealth. We will explore the various obstacles people face in doing a regular daily meditation as part of their self-care routine.Feb.2nd 2015, 1 pm at The Institute for Spiritual Development  $22  http://isd-dc.org/events/introduction-to-meditation-with-randy-goldberg/
